Map icon Living Peace Church

2309 Summit View Road
Columbus, OH 43065

Get Involved

  • Worship with Us: We meet together on Sundays at 10:30am for worship. Our worship is blended – some are in person at the Church, some join us via Zoom. If you’re interested in joining us via Zoom for next Sunday’s worship, email us at
  • Serve with Us: Join us next time we’re out in the prairie mowing or raking leaves, making peanut brittle, or leading a children’s story! An extra hand in always appreciated!
  • Kroger Community Rewards: If you shop at Kroger, you can set up your Kroger Rewards card to benefit Living Peace Church and we’ll get a credit every time you shop! Just sign up and choose our Non-Profit Organization(#WL102) or you can search for us by name as well.
  • Donate Financially: As a non-for profit faith community, we welcome financial contributions to help us continue to serve those in need. But, we know not everyone can donate financially – we get it! Whatever you give – your time, your skills, your service, or your finances, we appreciate you. If you wish to donate financially, please contact us at