When We Meet

Sundays at 10:30 a.m.

We are currently meeting in a blended format. Come join us either in-person for worship or online live via Zoom. Email us at worship@livingpeacecob.org to inquire the link for the next week’s worship.

How We Worship Together

We do things a bit differently at Living Peace Church. To put it simply, we do church together.

Instead of a traditional format, we allow everyone to participate in their own way. This may be through song, prayer, stories, sharing a children’s story or a scripture that’s speaking to you, or any other way God has inspired us. There is usually no formal sermon – but rather a study and fellowship together, exploring how the Holy Spirit inspires us.

In addition to Scripture, we use various texts from Christian authors to guide us into discussion about living out our faith, impacting the community for the greater good, and to better understand how God is actively seeking us out for His glory.

All are welcome to join, and all are welcome to share. Come as you are, whoever you are.

a toddler sits in the back of the sanctuary with his hands raised